Esnad Vision

Vision :

To be a leading company with an effective role in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Economic, which help improving and achieve the vision of 2030, by providing innovative services and international standards, to meet the aspirations of customers and investors more over meet all their needs in the real estate market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


message :

An modern and innovative approach that target to achieve added value to our partners and customers involved in the real estate sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Esnad Message

Esnad is committed to performing its work, providing its services and establishing alliances within a framework of basic values. Esnad believes that the ethics and principles of work are pillars of success, growth and continuous progress.





Based on trust and transparency

Esnad is distinguished by its reputation and prestige in the eyes of its customers and partners. This is due to its transparency and honesty with individuals and partners in the private and public sectors. It provides all the information and reports that clients need to make decisions to increase their returns on investment, maximize assets and revenues and choose the most appropriate opportunities.

Followed by commitment and ambition.

After building trust, commitment plays the most important role in the sustainability of the partnership. Therefore, Esnad takes full care of its customers and harnesses its knowledge, expertise and efforts to provide the best services, starting with managing the wide range of real estate appraisal. This requires full long-term commitment, including adherence to international standards and agreed plans, and commitment to meet the customer needs and the client's current and future ambitions to achieve his financial goals.



Code of Ethics and standards of Professional Conduct.

In addition to its commitment to the Codes and Ethics of valuation profession issued by the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers (TAQEEM), Esnad is committed to uphold its own standards and basic ethical and behavioral principles at all times and all dealings with related parties. The most important of these principles are integrity, honesty, avoidance of conflicts of interest, Transparency, responsibility, eligibility.

Empowered by care and respect.

We understand the importance of our role towards society and the environment. We are an integral part of it. Therefore, we follow the social responsibility approach in all our activities, starting with the environment in the workplace that is featured with respect among the members of the team and extends to our cooperation with other investors and partners.


Made by appraisal experts.

The most valuable assets for real estate investors are their lands, and the most valuable assets to the company are the their employees, for that Esnad is keen to invest in its employees and improve the level of professionalism by providing them with the necessary courses and professional certificates required for approval by the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers (TAQEEM). And as a result, Esnad has an appraisal team that is equipped with sufficient scientific knowledge and practical experience in all residential, commercial, industrial and other sectors of the real estate field.

هدف اسناد

  • تنمية وتطوير الإستثمارات العقارية للمستثمرين والشركاء لزيادة حجم الأصول العقارية وتعظيم الإيرادات السنوية .
  • تحقيق الريادة في إدارة أصول المحافظ العقارية في المملكة بشكل تخصصي ودقيق و تكاملي .
  • قيادة صناعة التطوير والإستثمار العقاري في المملكة بحيث تصبح الشركة اللاعب والمحرك الرئيسي في السوق العقاري على المدى البعيد .
  • هيكلة وإدارة الأصول العقارية والفرص الإستثمارية بطرق علمية حديثة تتناسب مع توجهات السوق العقاري .
  • تطوير مشاريع إستثمارية ناجحة مالياً ومجدية إقتصادياً تحقق ربحية مجزية تتلاءم مع تطلعات العملاء والشركاء .
  • البحث عن وإكتشاف وصناعة الفرص الإستثمارية التي تناسب تطلعات العملاء .
  • تطوير وإبتكار حلول إستثمارية متكاملة تلبي طموحات المستثمرين .
  • إنشاء وتعزيز تحالفات طويلة الأجل مع شركاء إستراتيجيين محلياً وعالمياً .
  • تقديم خدمات مبتكرة للمحافظ العقارية تتناغم مع الطلب المتنامي في السوق العقاري .
  • رفع مستوى الأداء بشكل مستمر عبر تأمين بيئة عمل محفزة وإيجابية وصقل المهارات العملية لفريق العمل .

Manager Word

Esnad company is the outcome of scientific , practical and professional experience gathered under the reputable and absolute confidence. Esnad was established to provide an advanced concept in the field of real estate appraisal, as well as equipment and movable property appraisal , in light of the need of the real estate market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its both public and private sectors for services, based on in-depth studies and analytical systems that ensure optimal evaluation and enable capitalists to know the market value of their assets.

Esnad offers appraisal services of all kinds of real estates according to the highest international standards and the considerations for all the local influences to a large number of well-known clients.

Esnad is licensed by the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers , and is keen to implement its services with accuracy, efficiency and integrity.

Esnad has its unique analytical methods and innovative solutions supported by the organizational structure of the company with its specialized and supportive departments, in addition to a professional and positive working environment to achieve the best performance levels.

Through our business and our successes that proved our quality and excellence in the real estate market, we aim to be a leader in real estate appraisal and to be the most effective strategic partner of individuals, companies and organizations in Saudi Arabia and to participate in the development of the Saudi economy.

Eng. Mohammad  Babahr word

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